Repentance Prayer

Loving Father, you are the source of all goodness and love, and you
never refuse forgiveness to those who come to you with repentant hearts.
Mercifully listen to my prayer.

Look with kindness upon me and forgive me for all my sins and failures.
Give me the grace to acknowledge them before you.
Help me to look into my life and see the many ways I have displeased
you in my relationship with you, with my loved ones and friends,
through the sin of pride, the sin of anger, lust or weakness of the flesh, envy,
greed, gluttony and sloth and for all the negative consequences that resulted from them.

Forgive me for my inability to be faithful to your commandments.
And bless me with humility to repent with a sincere and contrite heart.
Give me the strength to fight future temptations to sin and to
avoid being exposed to occasions for sin.
Give me the patience and perseverance to make amends in my life
and be transformed as you will.

All these I pray in Jesus’ name through Mary and all the angels and saints.
