Is Jesus Christ WHOLE and ENTIRE both under the appearances of bread, and under the appearances of wine?

Jesus Christ is whole and entire both under the appearances of bread and under the appearances of wine.

1. In the Holy Eucharist Christ is present wholly, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.

A little child preparing for her first Holy Communion was asked the difference between a crucifix and the Blessed Sacrament. “Why,” the innocent child answered, “the crucifix looks like Our Lord, but it is not He. The Blessed Sacrament does not look like Our Lord, but It is He Himself!”

2. Christ is whole and entire under the appearances of bread or wine. As Christ’s Body is a living body, and a living body has blood, so Christ’s Blood is there wherever His Body is.

Where Christ’s living Body and Blood are, there also must be His soul, for the body and blood cannot live without the soul. And where Christ’s Soul is, there also is His Divinity, which cannot be separated from His humanity.

3. Christ is whole and entire in each part of the Host and in each drop in the chalice. When the Host is broken, the Body of Christ is not broken, but He exists whole and entire in each fragment.

In a similar way, even when we breakĀ a mirror into many pieces, each piece reflects our face.

4. Christ’s Body and Blood are present in the consecrated species as long as the appearances of bread and wine remain.

When, therefore, we receive Holy Communion, we bear within us, as long as the appearances of bread remain, the Living Christ, Son of God.